has been way too long since I've blogged! I think 3 weeks to be exact...and that is unacceptable! I'm gonna do my best to be better at this :)
We've been staying pretty busy around here. The girls are growing up so fast...they are already almost 6-months-old! And Landon is a big 3-year-old now :) I love watching my kiddos go through all of these fun stages, but I just wish it would slow down a little. I swear it seems like it was just the other day when I was taking down all of the Christmas decorations, and now it's already time to put them all out again! We aren't having anymore kiddos (Chris thinks otherwise, but I guess he's been smoking crack or something cause he's got another thing coming), so I'm trying to take in all of this sweet baby stuff while they are still little chubby joy bundles.
I'm really enjoying being a SAHM. It's definitely a very hard job, but we've got a little routine down now that's working great. I've taken on a part-time job as a mentor for new teachers with the AISD. The school district called me out of the blue one night wondering if I would be interested in mentoring. We had been thinking about getting a part-time babysitter anyways so I could get things done like grocery shopping, errands, etc. I'm sure you can imagine what it's like trying to do ANYTHING with two infants. IMPOSSIBLE! Sooo...we hired Amy (who is amazing) to come over twice a week while I meet with new teachers and run errands. It's a nice break, as well.
Landon still goes to preschool from 9-4 everyday. He LOVES school and learns sooooo much while he's there. I've tried keeping him home with me a few times just to see what it would be like with all three kids, but by the time 10 am rolls around and the girls are demanding so much of my attention...he is asking to go to school :) I've been asked by a few people, "Why does your son go to school if you stay home everyday?" My answer to them is, "Have you raised twin babies and a toddler? And do you know how important it is to me for my children to be exposed to education at an early age?" Landon thrives on attention and being entertained. There is no way I could give him the attention he receives at school when I'm constantly feeding, rocking, strolling, bathing, changing, etc. not one, but two infants. Plus...whether I had my girls or not, I think by age 3, all children should be in some type of school environment. Being a teacher, I know how beneficial it is to their future success in education. Anyhow...I am thrilled about how much he loves school and how much he learns everyday :)
Enjoy some pics of my perfect children.
These first 7 pictures are from a few weeks ago. Chris and I took Landon to Incredible Pizza for a day of games, rides, candy, food, all kinds of junk :) He had a blast! It's like a huge Chuck E. Cheese, but wayyyyy better and lacking Chuck E. who Landon is terrified of.
This was THE SLOWEST car track thing ever. Landon was less than thrilled about the turtle-paced red car.
Although he LOVED the miniature bowling!
The camera did something weird to his eyes in this looks weird to me.
Landon and daddy played several arcade games.
And they played a round of miniature golf, too! It was lots of fun!