My precious baby boy is a Kindergartener!! He is doing fantastic, socially and academically! We love his teacher and she loves him. He's such a good, well-rounded kid...ALLLL rough and tough boy, with a sweet tender-hearted side that loves to please. She has shared with us that Landon loves to help and is usually the first to follow a direction. The teacher in me wonders if that means he's a teacher's pet and/or obsessed with being first??? Oh well, if that's the's most def better than the alternative! Here's a little picture sequence of his first day....
Breakfast in his underoos. Can't wait to get to school!!
My big Kindergartener ready to walk inside his new school!
Waiting in the hallway for the bell to ring. Uh oh...the nerves are beginning to set in :-(
Once we got into the classroom, put his stuff in his locker, and found his seat...he wasn't quite sure he was loving the idea of me leaving him with all of these people he didnt know. He got a little teary-eyed as we walked out of the room, but apparently that lasted all of about 30 seconds. His teacher said he started talking to the kids at his table, and was perfectly happy after that.
It was a rainy morning, and this rainbow appeared as we were driving back home from Landon's school. It def reminded me that, despite the tears I left him with, God was watching over my baby and he would be just fine :-)
Here he is at dismissal! All smiles! He had a GREAT day and loves going to school everyday now :-)
Frozen yogurt to celebrate his successful 1st day of Kindergarten! Way to go Landon!