Landon turns 2 1/2 this month. It's really hard for me to believe that he is already going on 3-years-old...and not only that, I have 2 more on the way. I guess my mom wasn't lying when she said, "the older you get, the faster time goes by". I thought I'd blog about my big boy and some of the interesting things about him at 2 1/2-years-old.
~Landon has always been and still is a VERY verbal child. He can carry on a conversation very well now and once he hears a new word, he NEVER forgets it. Therefore, we MUST watch what we say around him these days. His teachers say he is very advanced with his speech and vocabulary!
~Landon isn't a very good eater these days. He used to eat whatever you put in front of him...until about a year ago. Now, he's pretty picky. The only vegetables he truly enjoys eating are steamed asparagus, lima beans (weird), and black-eyed peas. He occasionally tolerates carrots and green beans. He hates all other veggies, including potatoes. He doesn't care for much fruit besides oranges and strawberries. He'll eat turkey and ham sometimes, but doesn't like chicken unless it comes from chick-fil-a. He loves all types of sausage, pasta, cheese and beans. And of course, he loves all snacky stuff like crackers, fruit snacks, etc. Well....the more I write this, the less picky he is sounding :) I know some kids who will barely eat anything at all. I guess I just wish he would eat more fruits and veggies.
~Landon is a very busy boyish boy. He loves to run around and climb on everything. He is really into trucks, trains, cars, airplanes, and helicopters. He loves watching and playing sports with his daddy which include golf, basketball, baseball, football, and hockey. He can actually hit the golf ball pretty far when Chris takes him to the course! He can also whack the crap out of the baseball with his bat...which makes for a big mess when he chooses to do it inside. He's all boy!
~Landon isn't into television much yet...unless it's Barney. He adores that annoying purple dino.
~Landon can say his ABC's the whole way through, count to 15, name his shapes and colors, and draw a few of the shapes. He also sings lots and lots of songs.
~Landon is pretty much a really good boy. I thought for a while (around 1 1/2-years-old) that we were gonna have a little pistol on our hands, but Chris and I whipped him into shape pretty quick. A little attitude or defiance can be fixed pretty quick with time-out now. He's not a big fit-thrower either, but I've heard that starts around 3-years-old.
~Landon constantly torments our dog, Haley. He chases her around with his swords and baseball bats, making scary noises at her. She's really a trooper putting up with him. I have to get him away from her atleast 5 times a day.
~Landon adores all of his grandparents. He loves going to their house for sleepovers ever so often. They all spoil the you know what out of him.
~Landon is very aware that he has two sisters, Allie and Emily, coming very soon and he is super excited about their new room (although it's nowhere near being complete). He always goes in there and says, "Babies room!!" I just know he is going to be an awesome big brother!
~Overall, Landon is a perfect little boy. Chris and I are totally, completely, head-over-hills, IN LOVE with this child!!! Enjoy a few pics of him at 2 1/2-years-old.
I love this post! Landon is going to be an amazing big brother!
LOVE him!! He is just too cute!
he is so precious!!
Ash why is it going so fast???????? I remember the day he was born perfectly! ugh!!!!!
He is getting so big - Ashley he really is such a pretty baby! Can't wait to see what these little girls are gonna look like!
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