Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pregnancy Update...and a cute picture of Landon :)

Well...tomorrow, I will be entering week 30 of this pregnancy. It has really flown by this time. My doctors are shooting for 36 weeks (April 7), so that's only 6 weeks left!. If my body will allow me to go longer than that, and myself and the babies are in good shape, I could go until week 38 (April 23). I had another appt. with my specialist today and everything is still perfect. The girls are 3.0 pounds and 3.1 pounds, so they are basically exactly the same size. Great heartbeats, growing perfectly, lookin good! My body is taking the multiple pregnancy like a pro, as well. I am showing no signs of preterm labor, which commonly starts happening around now. I've had minimal swelling, perfect blood pressure, no signs of dialating, and I passed my glucose test with flying colors (I failed it last time I was prego). So...once again, I had a great report! I go every week now, so I'll update often. Here's a pic of my big ole' belly and another of my precious luvbug.


Heather said...

I'm so happy the Dr. visit went well!!

I love the pics! Landon is precious as usual and you look great!

Erika Edwards said...

I think you look so good , i hope i look and feel as good as you when i have a baby or babies :)

Miss you muchos and love you!

~ Amber ~ said...

you are definately ALL baby....or shall I say all babies.

Brittany said...

Ash, I just looked at your comment from a while back. I am so excited for you. Twins are so much fun. I would love love to have twin girls. Please feel freet to ask anything under the sun. For me, I didn't know any different so I don't think it was as hard. You will definitely have your hands full, but so worth it.